Bula! This is the fourth and last instalment of our holiday pics. I hope you enjoy them. If you haven't been to the Fiji Islands, I can highly recommend them for a relaxing holiday destination.
The Sunset
There was only one night on Matamanoa Island that we got to see a spectacular sunset and it happened to be on our last night. This photo was taken using my new iPad. I was super impressed with how it turned out! Yes ... places like this really do exist.
This was the same day time view.
The Beach at Sunset.
Another gorgeous photo taken with our Olympus Camera.
A Trip to Monurike Island - the Setting for the Movie, Cast Away
Approaching the Island
Monurike Island
Chuck's 'Help Me' signal (mmm ... I've watched the movie again and it isn't the same, but considering a cyclone has changed the landscape since the movie's release, I guess the replica will have to do)
Tom Hanks spent a lot of time running up and down on this stretch of beach. According to our guide, who got to see some of the filming, poor Tom had to do quite a few takes and did let a few swear words slip in the process!
Do you remember this rock from the movie? 'Chuck' tried to crack open a coconut by throwing it up against the rock several times, of course without any success.
Robbie showing us the right way to crack open a coconut.
Yep .. I was really there and I certainly remember the scenes from the movie which were shot at the top of the rock. Poor Chuck .. four years was an awful long time to be marooned.
The Sea Life
My hubby took all the underwater photos with his new camera. I did do a little bit of snorkelling on the last day ... it was the first time for me. The coral and marine life were truly an amazing sight to see.
Our Bure - Number 15
A close up photo of just one section of the ceiling - Tapa Art
The beautiful wall light
Well, that was just a small sample of the 200 plus photos we took of beautiful, Fiji. Now all we have are memories. I have been back at work for a week now and I still feel quite relaxed. I'm still running on 'Fiji Time'. Thanks, Brett, for the best birthday present ever!
PS: I've had a bit of a break from all things 'crafty' but I might actually be back within the week to share a card or two.
