Hi crafty peeps,
AddINKtive Designs has moved to a new home. I've upgraded to a Wordpress website/blog; it still needs some tweaking but has now gone live! Make sure you check out the new space and subscribe to addinktivedesigns.com so you don't miss any posts.
I'm unsure at this stage whether I will transfer everything over or just keep this blogger site as is. I'll keep posting here to keep you up to date.
To launch my new site, I have written a tutorial for my Botanical Birdcage, a project that I shared in my last post for The Stamp Review Crew. See you there!
AddINKtive Designs has moved to a new home. I've upgraded to a Wordpress website/blog; it still needs some tweaking but has now gone live! Make sure you check out the new space and subscribe to addinktivedesigns.com so you don't miss any posts.
I'm unsure at this stage whether I will transfer everything over or just keep this blogger site as is. I'll keep posting here to keep you up to date.
To launch my new site, I have written a tutorial for my Botanical Birdcage, a project that I shared in my last post for The Stamp Review Crew. See you there!

Thanks for stopping by,

I went to your "new home" and tried to subscribe with the subscribe button with the pink around it and it did nothing. I love you blog and really don't want to miss receiving your posts in my e-mail.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong or if your subscribe button isn't active yet??? Thank you!
Thanks for letting me know. I will go and see if I can get rid of the top pink subscribe 'button'.