I have been given some lovely blog awards over the last few weeks and just wanted to formally say a big thankyou, not only to those ladies, but to everyone that takes a peek at my blog!
Also, if you haven't already noticed, the Design Team at
Just Add Ink has doubled in size! I'm so blessed to be amongst a talented bunch of women who really love what they do! Our Ning Network is a buzz with excitement at the moment as JAI prepare to change the format slightly by having each of the two teams rostered on every second week!
This is fantastic news as the team can 'join in' on the challenge on their 'off' week if they wish (not eligible for top picks) or have more time to enter some other great challenges that are out there in Blog Land.
This is my way of welcoming the new, expanded team by giving them all a fabulous blog award!
The Design Team
I also want to acknowledge these other lovely ladies who are an inspiration and give them a 'Fabulous Blog' Award too!
Leah Weir
Kirsty Brown
Claire Harrison
Caroline Colgan
Here's 10 things about me to share -
1. I've been happily married for 25 years and am a proud mum of two gorgeous grown-up 'children'.
2. I work as a grade 5/6 teacher and oversee the Junior Campus where I teach.
3. I joined Stampin' Up! in August, 2008 and have had this blog for nearly a year! I'm surprised and amazed that I'm not the only one that reads this blog!! ;)
4. Back in 2005, the school where I teach paid for me to go to Vanuatu to visit 4 other schools that we had a 'connection' with. The experience was life changing and I would love to go to Cambodia/Bali to help with various projects that my local church helps to fund!
5. I have enjoyed lots of crafts over the years but my all-time favourite is definitely STAMPING and papercraft.
6. Two amazing 'travel' experiences will long be etched in my memory - 1) Standing on the rim of Mount Yassur in Tanna, Vanuatu and watching the volcano erupt against the night sky. 2) Walking to the edge of Fox Glacier in New Zealand.
7. I love living in Tassie. Us Taswegians are heaps better looking than most because we get to choose which head we keep! Just for the record, Tasmanians got the label of having two heads because we originally had two heads of government - one in Launceston and one in Hobart. Eventually, Hobart was chosen as the preferred site. So there you have it!!
8. I need to write a menu planner so I know what we're eating for tea more than one hour in advance!
9. My mum lives in Latrobe, my sister in Devonport and my brother lives in Ulverstone. I was born and raised in Devonport, but have now lived in Legana for 23 years! I started teaching on the West Coast of Tasmania in a place called Queenstown.
10. My love language is 'Words of Affirmation' and I married a very quietly spoken guy!!
Until another time ... Bron XX
And i love learning new things about you! eg. #7 (well not about you but our Govt - who'd have thunk it! I thought it was cos we were/are supposedly "inbred"!) and #10 - what can I say!