Hi there. I’ve been pretty quiet lately and not a lot of crafting
going on as there’s a fair bit of work that goes on behind the scenes
when you start-up a new website. It’s exciting making the change from
blogspot to WordPress and I’ve learned heaps; there’s just so many more
options to make blogging more fun and interactive.
One big change that will particularly make my Northern Hemisphere subscribers very happy is the launch of my new Tutorial Shop. You won’t have to wait for me to email your tutorials as most purchases are made while I’m fast asleep. Yay! for the switch to instant downloads. Plus, my FREE tutorials can be downloaded without the need to make an actual purchase.
I want to especially thank everyone that has bought a tutorial from me and has taken the time to flick me an email to share their creations and provide some feedback. I really appreciate it and love to see the variety of ideas inspired from my tutorials. Here’s a recent testimonial from Cathi D –
One big change that will particularly make my Northern Hemisphere subscribers very happy is the launch of my new Tutorial Shop. You won’t have to wait for me to email your tutorials as most purchases are made while I’m fast asleep. Yay! for the switch to instant downloads. Plus, my FREE tutorials can be downloaded without the need to make an actual purchase.
I want to especially thank everyone that has bought a tutorial from me and has taken the time to flick me an email to share their creations and provide some feedback. I really appreciate it and love to see the variety of ideas inspired from my tutorials. Here’s a recent testimonial from Cathi D –

(Photo used with permission)
“Hi Bronwyn! I just want to let you know how much I enjoyed your
tutorial – the instructions and pictures make it very easy to follow! I
have attached my creation. Since I didn’t have the DSP, I had
to improvise with the Botanical Gardens DSP and making my own crate with
the Hardwood Background stamp. This card is for a friend who loves
butterflies and sunflowers so I had to add those two things to the card! ” Cathi
Wow! Isn’t Cathi’s card gorgeous? I love the addition of the sunflowers.
Here’s a round-up of the cards that I have made using a pop-up,
z-fold box card construction with inserts -
A Crate of Strawberries

Gift from the Garden

Live, Love, Grow

Thoughtful Branches

(Tutorial for Pop-Up, Z-Fold Box Card with Picket Fence is in my new Tutorials For Sale page on my new blog, addinktivedesigns.com)
Here’s one I made based on a standard z-fold construction (no inserts) –
Salty Kisses

As you can see from the above projects, the ideas for this type of card fold are limitless! Make sure you subscribe to addINKtive design’s new home so you don’t miss a post!